Friday, September 21, 2007

Food Preferences

On the way home from daycare while discussing what we would eat for dinner the following occurred.
M: I think we'll have fish fillets for dinner.
A: It doesn't have EYES does it?
M: No, it's like chicken nuggets just with fish
A: Oh good. Because I won't eat anything with EYES!

So this of course begged the question, when did I ever fixed anything with eyes on it? Turns out Daddy had told her about sardines....yep Daddy's fault again ;)

Once dinner was made, Alanna sat down and looked at her plate and declared:
A: Oh good! I'm glad my dinner is this because I only eat food that is the colors of the rainbow!
M: Oh? And what colors are on your plate?
A: Green Green Beans and Brown Fish

Not quite sure when 'brown' made it into the rainbow, but I was relieved. I was either going to argue for the fish fillets being more of a yellow or explain that the rainbow is really all colors we just only see certain shades.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Bedroom Makeover

We had a project weekend and redid Miss Alanna's room. For the full details, please visit here: Bedroom Makeover