Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Daddy Magic

Like many daddies, my husband revels in performing 'Daddy magic' for Alanna. This behavior can also be witnessed in grandfathers. It normally amounts to him pulling something from out behind her ear--a quarter, a crayon, etc.

Yesterday, Jeb took Alanna to the park in the wagon. Once they got there and she'd run around for a few minutes, she came up to him and exclaimed, 'Daddy, I need to go potty!'

There isn't a port-a-potty or a restroom facility at the park, so Jeb explained, 'Ok, honey get in the wagon and we'll go home to use the potty.'

She didn't like that answer. Likely she was concerned that if she went home she wouldn't get to come back to the park, so she looked up and asked hopefully, "You have a pull-up?"

Jeb explained that he didn't bring a pull-up because she's a big girl and uses the potty, so they'd need to go home to do so. She tried one last ditch effort, convinced it would work, "Can you look behind my ear for one?"

Ah, if only it were that simple.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Alanna and Frankie

Alanna and Frankie were playing out back last night. Frankie has been trained since a kitten to stay close to her people when outside and never strays more than a few feet away. Alanna had a lot of fun "keeping an eye on her" while she explored the yard.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Saved by Princess Alanna

Alanna's not really a morning person...well at least not 75% of the mornings. We try to distract her in the morning to entice her out of bed. For example, this morning I woke her up by asking her if she'd like to help feed the kitties. She said, "Yes! I do it all by myself!" and sprang out of bed. Keeping her going can also be a challenge. If she's not engaged she'll decide that she doesn't want to go to daycare and wants to go back to bed.

This morning Jeb pretended to be an ogre while getting her dressed...attacking her feet and talking in a big ogre voice. She ran out of the bedroom giggling after she was dressed and I called out, "Oh no! Did you turn that ogre back into Daddy?" Jeb proceeded to do the ogre voice while coming into the bathroom where I was to finish getting ready. I called out again, "Alanna, I need you to save me from the ogre and turn him back into Daddy! Get your magic wand!!"

About a minute later Alanna showed up not only with her magic wand but also her princess hat from the renaissance festival on her head. She waved the wand and exclaimed, "Daddy, you're a daddy not an ogre!"

Phew, saved. My only concern is that she took the time to accessorize before saving me. I guess a girl has to have her priorities.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Photos From Alanna's Visit to Hot Springs

Alanna LOVES the pinball machine at Grandma & Grandpa's house. She's declared that she wants it. Sorry, Scott, but it's now in the will as hers.

Alanna's a pretty good cook. She and Grandpa made Grandma's birthday cake. The beaters are always the best part.

The Calves weren't quite sure what to make of Alanna. They'd get pretty close, then she'd giggle and they'd rush off.

The Cows, on the other hand, were all about getting treats from Alanna.

Here's my little Bull Rider. That's Ferdinand, and yes he's HUGE.

Alanna got a chance to ride Grey, with Grandpa Joe's help. She smiled the whole time out at the Barn and has absolutely NO FEAR.

Both Hank and Buttercup got their first taste of 'cake' from Alanna. They definitely approved.

I think if we lived closer, Joe would put a wood block on the accelerator of the hay truck and Alanna would be driving by age 6. She had a blast feeding the critters.

That's Alanna making the same face/noise that Kicks did. Sounded something like 'Ppbnnnthhbb'.