Tuesday, November 06, 2007
"Can you guess what flavor my chapstick is?"
This was said to her little friend Dylan on our way to get lunch while he was visiting. It was completely innocent, but Daddy and I immediately turned around and said, "NO!!!"
Last night I informed Alanna that she would have to practice her karate before bed. She asked me how I would make her practice if she fell asleep before then. I replied that I had superhero mommy powers and could wake her up.
A little while later Alanna was hiding under a blanket to avoid going up to practice. I pulled the blanket back and yelled, 'Ah ha!!'
She looked astonished, "Mommy, is one of your powers the ability to see under blankets??" I told her it was.
After practicing for karate and putting her to bed, we heard this little voice from her room, "Mommy, can you see through walls?"
Taking this as a perfect opportunity, I promptly replied, "Yes. But Mommy can only see through walls when you're doing something you're not supposed to!" That should get me a year or two of good behavior until she catches on.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
By Request

Monday, October 29, 2007
Her favorite jokes right now are:
Q: Who can jump higher than the highest mountain?
A: EVERYONE! Because mountains can't jump!!!
Q: What newspaper do cows read?
A: The evening mooooooooooooos.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Karate Kiddo

House Rules
A: I get to tell her the house RULES
M: Oh really? And what are the rules?
A: No splashing water out of the bathtub.
A: No coloring on the walls.
A: When it's bedtime, stay in your bed.
A: Daddy can play with his computer when he wants.
It was super hard not to just laugh. I just kept wondering how our coworker (who has grown children of her own) was ever going to enjoy herself at our house if she couldn't splash water and color on the walls!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Food Preferences
M: I think we'll have fish fillets for dinner.
A: It doesn't have EYES does it?
M: No, it's like chicken nuggets just with fish
A: Oh good. Because I won't eat anything with EYES!
So this of course begged the question, when did I ever fixed anything with eyes on it? Turns out Daddy had told her about sardines....yep Daddy's fault again ;)
Once dinner was made, Alanna sat down and looked at her plate and declared:
A: Oh good! I'm glad my dinner is this because I only eat food that is the colors of the rainbow!
M: Oh? And what colors are on your plate?
A: Green Green Beans and Brown Fish
Not quite sure when 'brown' made it into the rainbow, but I was relieved. I was either going to argue for the fish fillets being more of a yellow or explain that the rainbow is really all colors we just only see certain shades.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Bedroom Makeover
Sunday, August 26, 2007
A Pox on your House
A: When you have children, they're going to get sick.
Babysitter: Do you mean that all kids get sick sometimes?
A: Nope, just yours will.
Later, Alanna picked up her bag of dinner mints that she had really wanted when we were at the store and handed them to Babysitter, with the following statement:
A: Here are some mints for your bad breath.
I'm fairly positive that Alanna was just explaining in the only way she knows how things work. That kids all get sick and that eventually when babysitter has children that they will likely get an ear infection just like she had recently gotten over and that mints are for making breath smell good. Or she's just found a new way of getting even when she doesn't get her way. The 4 year old's version of declaring a pox on your house!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Funny Things
Here are the most recent Alanna funnies:
I took Alanna to the large farmer's market downtown a few weeks ago. She'd been to our little suburb farmer's market once or twice before and really loves picking out vegetables and fruits. When we got there and she looked around, she exclaimed, "It's a mall for vegetables!!!"
On the way home from daycare on an evening where our date-night babysitter was scheduled to come over, the following conversation ensued:
Alanna: Can and I go to Como Zoo tonight?
Mommy: No, honey. Mommy's really not comfortable with you and Babysitter going anywhere this evening.
A: What's 'comfortable' mean?
M: Well, 'comfortable' means you feel good about something. So Mommy and Daddy's job is to keep you safe and it's easier to keep you safe when you're at home rather than riding in a car or going to a zoo at night.
A: But Sammy the Seal is more 'COMFORTABLE' when I'm there!!!
Another conversation on the way home from daycare.
A: Mommy, when I die will I go to heaven?
M: Yes, honey.
A: But what will I DO in heaven?
M: Well, you can play in the clouds or fly around and watch people on earth.
A: I don't have wings.
M: When you get to heaven God will make you an angel then you will have wings.
A: Do angels need to eat?
M: No, they don't need to eat.
A: But they POOP! They have butts!!!
Alanna has been a bit fascinated with babies for a while now. I've had the pleasure of answering the question about where do babies come from and how do they get out of a mommy's tummy multiple times. So far my standard answer has involved no real details outside of a mommy and daddy loving each other very much and the doctor helping the baby out. We've now reached the realm of that's not a good enough answer as apparent by the below interaction which occurred in a Red Lobster around lunch time:
A: Was I in your tummy still when you went with Uncle Scott to get Angel (kitty) or was I born? M: You were a baby so you were already born.
A: But what I don't GET is HOW DID I GET OUT???
M: Well honey, what do you think?
Needless to say I've since bought a book that she and I will discuss the next time this question arises. All I could think about in between laughing/crying was what must she think could possibly happen when she farts?
Alanna's baby questions are not isolated to Mommy, here's a conversation she had with her Aunt 'Woogie':
A: I want a baby cousin
W: Well, honey your Uncle and I are working on that
A: I want a BOY cousin
W: You'll have to talk to Uncle Scott about that, he makes that decision I just cook 'em.
A: Like CHICKEN???!!!!!
Alanna is very fond of swimming and doing extremely well in her swimming lessons. One of the things we're firm on though is that all of her swimsuits are one-piece suits. It amazes me actually how difficult it is to find cute one-piece suits even at her age. We were looking for swimsuits when this conversation happened:
A: Mommy, when I get older can I have a swimsuit with breasts?
M: Honey, all girls get breasts as they get older. Breasts don't come with a swimsuit.
A: Yes they do!! See!!
M: OH! You mean a bikini....
We bought a new vehicle a couple months ago and I purchased a cute pink big girl booster seat for the car to make it special for Alanna as well. Alanna wasn't quite sure what to call the new car or the old car...
A: Mommy, what do I call the blue car?
M: You can just call it the blue car or the Mazda.
A: And what do I call the new car?
M: You can call it the Versa.
A: I don't like the Macaroni, I like the Versa.
So our Mazda has now been named the 'Macaroni'. I think you could market that, I should contact the big auto makers; we've discovered their next auto.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Dance Recital
Alanna has been in tap/ballet class one night a week now for almost 6 months. She's gotten a bit tired of it, but Mommy and Daddy have insisted that she see it through. Most nights she enjoys it once she gets there, but doesn't really want to go in the first place.
Last night on the way home the conversation went something like this:
M: Only a couple more classes until you're big dance recital!
A: What's a dance recital?
M: A dance recital is where you'll get up on stage with your classmates and do your dances for Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma Jackie.
A: I LOVE Dance Recitals!!
M: That's great honey.
A: Because after dance recital, dance is ALL DONE!!!
Guess we know her motivation for getting to the dance recital ;)