Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Some Pictures

For those of you who visit the Shutterfly site, these photos are ones you've likely seen. But as a quick photo update for others, here are some pictures from recent Alanna history:

Alanna at Halloween with her new baby cousin

Alanna and Santa

All I Want for Christmas are my Two Front Teeth


Last night Alanna asked if she could "pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassse" come in and snuggle in Mommy's bed. At the point she asked it was already about 30 minutes past her bedtime. I explained that no, she needed to stay in her bed but that we'd have lots of snuggle time in the coming days.

About 5 minutes later I went to use the bathroom and noticed on the floor of Alanna's bedroom a pink leopard printed blanket. Now this would not be so unusual were it not for the fact that it was covering a lump that looked about 2 feet tall. Again, could have been a large stuffed animal especially since Alanna's bedroom floor right now has many toys out and is due to be picked up. What caught my attention was that the pink leopard printed lump was stealthily moving towards the bedroom door.

I stood and observed the lump for a few seconds before stating, "Alanna, you really need to get in your bed and go to sleep now."

The lump stopped and there was no movement for a moment before it spoke, "But, Mommy! You can't see me! I'm CAMOUFLAGED!!"

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Stop and Make the Snow Angels

We have a new rule in our house. No snow angels without snowpants on. Mommy's actually feeling a little bad about the rule only because there's something magical about what Alanna did yesterday that resulted in the rule....

Yesterday was the first day we sent snowpants to school. I packed them in her backpack with her shoes figuring that she wouldn't need them on the way to school and instead would put them on for recess. On the way out to the car yesterday morning, Jeb put the backpack and his things in the car then turned to get Alanna and *POOF* she'd rushed off to the yard. She flopped down in the snow, began making a snow angel, THEN looked at him and asked, "Can I make a snow angel, Daddy?" When she stood up there were even little piggy tail marks in the snow on the top of the snow angel's head.

When I picked up Alanna from daycare last night, I heard another story. When the bus pulls up to Nana's house, Nana stands right at the door while Alanna goes down the driveway to the bus. Well, it started out as planned....Alanna headed down the driveway, but then diverted into the front yard. Sure enough, she PLOPPED right down into the snow backpack and all and began making a snow angel. Nana was yelling at her from the doorway to get up and the bus driver was yelling her name from the open door of the bus. She continued to obliviously make her snow angel until she determined she was finished. She got up, covered head to toe in snow and happily headed off to school.

So the new rule has been implemented primarily to get her to school on time. Although, I do think that from time to time stopping to make the snow angels is probably a good thing. After all, as parents we commit to striving to keep our child happy, healthy, safe, and smart. If plopping in the snow to make a snow angel makes her happy then that's ok with me. If it's stopping to smell the roses when the weather is warm, maybe it should be stopping to make the snow angels in the winter.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Things Said

A few recent Alanna moments:

Alanna was telling her Grandma 'Nette about her new cousin, Andrew and declared "And he has a soft and fuzzy head!!"

We cooked a turkey and potatoes for dinner while Grandma and Grandpa were visiting. We all sat down for dinner and Alanna asked if it was Thanksgiving. I explained that it wasn't Thanksgiving yet and this was just practice. She looked crestfallen and asked quietly, "Can we eat it?"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another Milestone

Looks like Alanna is about ready to lose her first tooth. She was thrilled this morning to show me her "wiggly" front bottom tooth. The new tooth has already started to erupt behind it (called shark's teeth) and I'm guessing from the amount Alanna was fiddling with the tooth this morning that the Tooth Fairy will be visiting perhaps before her birthday.

There's a tooth chart in her classroom and she can hardly wait to see her name on the chart not to mention the "big girl" factor involved in losing her first tooth. I think she was standing about a foot taller this morning from all the pride and excitement.

The tooth fairy had to make a visit to the bank today over lunch to pick up some of the new Presidential Dollar coins which is what daddy would like the fairy to leave for the teeth going forward. Mommy's going to make sure the fairy also leaves a crisp dollar bill too since I'm sure she'll actually want to spend it and then she can start collecting the dollar coins as she loses teeth. For the first tooth since it is extra special, the fairy is giving her a little pair of butterfly earrings.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Photo Site

I've created a new photo site with shutterfly which I update weekly with new Kindergarten artwork and pictures. Some I'll continue to place here as well.

If you're a faithful reader (and I know you) feel free to comment and I'll send you the link and password to the site.


Alanna likes to relate stories about her cousins at random moments. This morning while getting ready, she declared that her cousin B likes to catch frogs and throw them on the road.

I responded that we don't do that because it's not nice to animals.

Her reply?

"And because we don't have frogs."

Good point.

Wisdom from a 5 Year Old

Yesterday morning Alanna overheard me talking to Jeb about an incident at work and she asked what we were talking about. I told her that Mommy works with someone who sometimes isn't very nice.

This is how the conversation continued:
A: I think you should just say nice things to her during the day like, "How are you feeling today?" and then she'll start to be nicer.

M: Honey, that's a very good idea. Mommy does try to be nice and will continue to keep that in mind.

A: And you should tell her we're all a part of a community and need to work together. (They're learning about communities at school.)

M: That's true.

A: (carrying "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein) And you can loan her my book for her to read.

Oh if only things were that easy. I'm pleased she's a kind, caring little girl and in a perfect world her strategy would work well. In my world at work though, I'm pretty sure the woman would rip me to shreads if I tried it ;)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Littlest Pet Shop Party

Here are sample templates from the party.  I don't have the original files any longer as it's been quite awhile (updating this post in 2012 and noticed several have asked for it in recent months).

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Littlest Pet Shop Birthday Party Ideas

Alanna decided she'd like a Littlest Pet Shop birthday party this year for her 6th birthday. I scoured the web and racked my brain and I think we've come up with a pretty good plan. I thought I'd post it here so that others could use it if they'd like as well.

The activities below are meant to fill a total of 2 hours time. For this age, the party has to keep moving and I'm anticipating no more than 10 minutes doing any one thing other than maybe eating cake and opening gifts which will take 11 minutes ;)

Arrival Activities-
Temporary Tattoos - These can be purchased on ebay inexpensively. The seller I found also sold the large LPS stickers which we're going to give out as part of the goodie bags.

Make a name badge neclace - This actually is important for the goodie bag portion of the party. We purchased a 10 pack of LPS critters from Amazon.com for $20. I then scanned the picture from the back into the computer and cut them apart to make little name badge circles. The children will pick a name badge at the beginning of the party and as a surprise at the end the name badge they chose will determine the LPS critter they "adopt". I bought brightly colored lanyards at Michaels as well as the clips to put the little circles on the lanyard with (just punched a hole in the little picture circles to attach them). We also have assorted color pony beads to decorate their name badge necklaces with.

Sign Alanna’s poster to hang up - I made a large posterboard card for all of the guests to sign and decorated it with a large number 6, Alanna's name and various Littlest Pets that I drew.

Color if waiting for other children and have finished own activities - I printed off LPS mini coloring books by doing a search for free coloring pages and then formatting them to fit four pictures to a page, stapled and folded.

Simon Says with an animal theme (“Bark like a dog”, “Flap your wings like a chicken”, etc)

Pin the Tail on the Cat - I drew the little LPS tabby cat onto posterboard for this

Animal Charades - I printed LPS animals onto cardstock and cut apart ot use as cards since our guests are mostly non-readers

Musical Lily Pads - I cut out large lily pads from green cardstock and made an animal music cd to play for this game

Bean Bag Toss - We picked out animal fabrics and made little bean bags. We'll have the children try to toss them into dog bowls.

Animal Relay Races (Gallop like a Horse, Walk like a Monkey, Dog, Duck, Crab, Bunny, etc)

Dance Freeze Game using the animal music cd

Cat Cat Dog (Duck Duck Goose)

Cake and Presents

Departure Activities
Adopt Littlest Pet Shop Animals (each child gets an animal based on the nametag picture they chose)

Pick Sticker “Prizes” to take home - at this age we decided that everyone is a winner and all will get stickers and LPS rings (also available on ebay--search for cupcake rings)

Decorate a house for their pet (foamies, markers/crayons, and colorful Chinese To Go containers)

Visit the Pet Buffet (Various different pet “foods” they can pick to put in a to go container to take home. These include Scooby bone-shaped graham crackers for dogs, Bug shaped graham crackers for lizards, Gummy worms for fish, Rainbow goldfish crackers for the cats, Gummy spiders for the birds, Gummy strawberries for the hamsters, Yogos for the rabbits, Banana chips for the monkeys, Apple chips for the horses. All of the bowls the snacks will be served out of into the to go "doggie bags" have little labels I printed with the appropriate animal on them.

Take home a balloon animal - I used to make these years and years ago and figured out that apparently you don't forget how to do this so I'll be making balloon animals for the children as well as they leave.

*Whew!* Should be fun and I'll post pictures when it's all said and done.

Friday, August 08, 2008


I found this today and it really hit home. It's so easy to get caught up in the "to dos" that I sometimes find myself being a rushed mommy and forget that Alanna won't be little forever. I need to pause more to enjoy the moments.


The song is by Steven Chapman and called "Cinderella". The YouTube video includes his description of how he was inspired to write the song and as a parent I can totally relate!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

All Around the Mulberry Bush

We have a very large mulberry bush (tree) at the side of our house. For approximately 2 weeks every summer, we get a LOT of berries which Alanna LOVES picking.

Some people have asked what a mulberry bush looks like, so I'm putting some pictures here. We've been making mulberry jam and mulberry/rhubarb crumble which are both wonderful!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Alanna had a fortune cookie tonight with dinner.  It read: "You will soon be singled out for a promotion.  Congrats!"

Daddy and I immediately remarked, "I wonder what kind of promotion you'll get."

Alanna replied with a little disdain in her voice, "A Better JOB!"

Hmm..this begs the question, what job could possibly be better than being a five year old?  

So we asked, "What job do you have now that you'd like a promotion from?"

She replied, "Weeding!"

I think I'd like a promotion from that as well.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weeding the Pastas

Alanna and I spent about 5 hours outside today weeding.  This year has been bad so far for dandelions and they cropped up very quickly.  The worst areas are in the backyard in the rock (which is landscaping we'd like to have redone..especially since it's more weeds than landscape) and around the maple tree.  

We have a very beautiful mature maple in the back which has stonework around the base and hostas planted in the raised garden area.  I told Alanna today that we'd be focused on weeding the hostas.

She said multiple times today that we were "Weeding the Pastas".  All I could think about was dandelions growing up in between my spaghetti and macaroni.  Once in a while we found some peeking through the penne...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Alanna has started her second session of karate and is working towards her yellow belt this time. She's still the littlest in the class and once again is front and center so that sensei can keep an eye on her.

For the most part she does really well. There are moments when her attention span is stretched, but she tries and even though she doesn't get all of the moves exactly right (the coordination just isn't quite there) she's enjoying it which is what counts. The downside is that mommy has to learn all the moves too in order to practice with her and this time we're working on a striking set which consists of a series of punches repeated to the sides and to the front for a total of 20.

At the end of each class, sensei sits down with the kids and they go over some safety tips and definitions. One of the definitions they covered last time was 'kiai' which is a yell. Sensei asked the kids why a yell was a good idea in karate. The answers were that it scares the attacker and that it draws attention.

My child promptly stood up (visualize a little blonde haired, piggy tailed, blue eyed girl in a black karate outfit, barefoot and smaller than everyone else in the class) and said "Like this!" She took a stance and yelled out "BOO!"

This was followed with "This is also scarey!" She brought her hands up next to her face in little claws and yelled out "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" Then she sat right back down.

I don't think there was a dry eye in the house from all the uncontrolled giggles coming from the other parents.


Jeb has tried to foster a love for football in Alanna. She gets excited every year about the 'football recital' (Superbowl) and has her own pom-poms courtesy of Aunt Woogie. She even rooted for the Zebras last year (Colts).

The other night during date night she proved to our babysitter that she doesn't quite have the fundamentals of the game down yet and Jeb has some more work to do next season.
Alanna and the babysitter were playing train. Train involves Alanna getting into a huge cardboard box that she's decorated, saying 'Chooooo Choooo' and the sitter gently rocking the box until they get to their imaginary destination. The destination of choice that night was a football game.

The babysitter yelled out "Alanna, it's a football game! The team needs your help! Quick go get a touchdown!"

Alanna promptly hopped out of the box, ran to the middle of the room, reached her hands WAY up in the air then crouched down with her fingertips on the floor.

The sitter stood puzzled for a moment as Alanna held the pose, then asked "Alanna, what are you doing?"

Alanna looked at her with conviction and a bit of a 'duh' tone, "I'm touching down!"

Monday, April 07, 2008

Art Project

I would imagine that when most children draw pictures of people they draw clothes on them, hair, eyes, nose, smile, ears, feet, etc. As a matter of fact most of the time when Alanna draws people she includes those details. You can always pick out which one she is in her drawings because her little self image always includes piggy tails.

The other day she was feeling artistic and got out one of the really large pieces of paper from the art supplies. She layed down on it and asked Jeb to trace her. He was able to fit her head and torso on the paper. She promptly pulled out her crayons and a book called, "My Body" and settled in to begin working.

Now bear in mind, this was not something we suggested. She came up with it completely on her own.

She proceeded to use the book to draw her skin, muscles, bones, heart, lungs, and digestive tract. She also wrote down each of the words once she finished with that item. It actually turned out pretty good.

She has such a scientific little mind and is always asking questions. I'm disappointed that our first choice for her kindergarten didn't turn out as we planned because it was a Science Math and Technology Magnet that would have been wonderful for her. Our second choice is also a very good school with a lot of programs available and great technology resources including individual laptops starting in 3rd grade. We're on a waiting list right now, but hopefully will get in for Fall.

It constantly amazes me the things she comes up with.

I Don't Wanna Grow Up Part 2

Late last week we had a follow up "I don't want to be a grown up" meltdown. This one happened in the morning while we were trying to do the morning routine. After reassuring Alanna that she didn't have to be a grown up for a very long time and that she would indeed be younger than daddy forever, I asked her again why it was that she didn't want to be a grown up.

Her response? "Because I don't want to work!" This struck me as odd because up until very recently on a near daily basis she has declared exactly what she wants to be when she grows up. Some days it's an astronaut, others a teacher, veterinarian, cashier at Target, and sometimes all four.

We continued with the morning flurry to get out the door and in the car on the way to daycare we had the following conversation:
A: Mommy, I guess I can be a grown up after all.
M: Oh?
A: Yes, I'm just going to be a princess. They don't have to work very hard!

So that's what I did wrong when I was making a career choice. I should have aspired to be a princess!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sea Monkeys

Alanna loves science and asking questions. So we've been trying to encourage her interest and teaching her when we have the opportunity. For example, we made sure she got to see the lunar eclipse recently and understood what it was. We also bought some books with lots of little science experiments you can do at home to start working through on family nights.

When we were in Target a few weeks ago she spotted the Sea Monkeys. For those of you who aren't familiar with sea monkeys they are a type of brine shrimp that you can raise and used to be advertised in the backs of comic books. http://www.sea-monkeys.com/

So we got the sea monkeys, brought them home, poured in the little egg pouch and waited. They hatched, she thought they were neat swimming around, we explained the science behind it, and they grew.

Now I have a little container of Sea Monkeys that I'm not sure what to do with. Alanna has pretty much lost interest. There are about 15 of the little guys who are swimming around and I still am feeding them. I'd feel guilty not feeding them or flushing them or otherwise 'disposing' of them.

What does one do with unwanted Sea Monkeys anyway? I have a hunch I can't take them to the Humane Society ;)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Don't Wanna Grow Up!!!

Last night out of nowhere Alanna started crying after bedtime. We asked what was wrong and in between sobs she declared, "I don't want to be a grown up ever!"

We explained that she had a very long time to still be a child and that eventually she would have to be a grown up but that she could still have fun.

That didn't fly. The tears poured down, the shrill little tantrum voice started and she declared "I DON'T WANNA GROW UP!!! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT TO DO SO I STAY A KID FOREVER!!!"

Thinking I was really smart, I asked her, "Honey, does Daddy act like a grown up or like a kid?" I was banking on the fact that Daddy acts goofier than Mommy and does more rough house play like snowball fights than I do. It didn't work. She replied, "A grown up."

Daddy saved the day. Jeb looked at her and smoothed her hair and said, "Honey, how about if Daddy promises to do everything possible so that you're always younger than he is?" Tricky. Alanna was happy with it though and the tantrum stopped and she went back to bed.

Oh sweetie, if only you knew how many times we grown ups wish we were still kids. This is a tantrum I still have.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Medicine with Marshmallows

Alanna shares my childhood dislike of syrup medicines. In the past when she's been sick the medicine battle has been a painful one that to a third party observer may be considered comical. Getting syrup medicine down here often includes at least one change of clothes for all parties involved as well as a bath sometimes and half a bottle of wasted medicine on the floor. Sometimes it's involved one parent holding the child semi upside down while the other tries desperately to get the medicine in her mouth.

In an effort to avoid these battles we switched over to chewable medicine and those little strips that dissolve on the tongue. To be honest though, they really don't seem to work as well as the syrups do for the symptoms.

The latest cold has been a doozy and I prepared myself for the syrup battle. This time I thought I'd try the bribery up front and told her she could have a marshmallow (the cute little bunny Easter ones that are out right now) if she took the syrup. I also offered to put it in a syringe and let her push the plunger. I even offered a bonus sticker for her sticker chart if she was a big girl about taking her medicine. Visuals of grape syrup all over can be very motivating to a mommy.

Now I was thinking she'd take the medicine and I'd give her the marshmallows and sticker. She actually devised her own new way of taking medicine that has worked beautifully now for a total of 4 doses over the past couple days.

Insert 1 bunny marshmallow into mouth and chew slightly
Open mouth enough for 1/2 of the syrup in the syringe to be squirted in
Take a sip of water to wash down remaining syrup and marshmallow

She claims the marshmallow makes the syrup taste good. Win Win.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Alanna and the Easter Bunny

This past weekend was the annual Easter Egg hunt. Here's a pic of Alanna with the Easter Bunny and one of her dancing with the Caribou from Caribou coffee which was one of the sponsors for the event.

Playing Doctor

Our evening babysitter has begun bringing a notepad with her when she comes to watch Alanna. We think she may be writing a book of all the things Miss Alanna comes up with.

Most recently on a date night, Alanna insisted on playing doctor with our babysitter. She had our babysitter lie down on the futon and got out her pretend stethoscope. She announced that she found a kitty and a snake in the babysitter's leg.

Babysitter: Oh my. Are you going to perform surgery to get them out?
A: Yes.
B: Are you going to put me to sleep?
A: Yes.
B: (waits, fully anticipating Alanna to pretend to give her a shot)
A: (sings)Lullabye, and goodnight....
A: (pretends to do the surgery)
A: Ok, I'm done.
B: Oh good. Did you get the cat and the snake out?
A: Um...(panicked look)(sings)Lullabye and goodnight....

Apparently she looked like a doctor who had just realized she had forgotten her tools inside during the surgery.

Rewriting the Bible

Periodically we read to Alanna from her Bible stories book. Recently we had read the story of the burning bush Exodus 3:1-15 where God speaks to Moses.

About a week later we were driving home from daycare and this conversation followed:
A: It will be Spring soon won't it?
M: Yes, honey.
A: And then the snow will melt.
M: Yes.
A: And then God will put a talking bush in our front yard.
M: Um. Maybe. But talking bushes are very rare and I don't think he'll probably put one in our front yard.
A: How did the bush talk? Bushes don't have mouths.
M: No, bushes don't have mouths. God wanted to give a message to Moses so his voice came from the bush.
A: I think Jesus was just hiding behind it.

And thus ended the conversation. Have to give her props for the logic at least even if the timeline is a little off. She had deduced that because a bush doesn't have a mouth the voice had to come from somewhere and since Jesus is God's messenger on Earth, he must have been hiding behind the bush.

Barbie House

I've been remiss in posting and will try to catch up with a few items of note over the past few months.

Santa brought Alanna a Barbie Dreamhouse for Christmas this year. Alanna asked Santa for something 'Big' and she vigilantly went through her toys to find things she no longer played with to donate and to make room for something 'Big' that the elves were going to make for her. The elves came over the month of December and did a few inspections to make sure there would be enough room for what they were building and that she was keeping her toys picked up. After each visit, Alanna found a Barbie dress that had dropped out of one of their pockets. On Christmas morning, the Barbie house was completely set up where she had made room for it and all of her dolls were in new dresses inside. She stood there for awhile after coming out of her room with her mouth wide open only uttering a small, soft "wow".