Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Kangaroos Flying out of my Ass

Ok, so kangaroos aren't flying out of my ass.

Alanna has trouble sleeping at night. No real surprise since Mommy and Grandpa on mommy's side were never good sleepers and still aren't. I wake up about 3-5 times nightly on average. So we've done several things to encourage Alanna to stay in bed even if she's not "sleeping" when it's night time.

We put up a push light near her bed. One of those round lights that you push and it turns on or off. This way she has access to her own nightlight and it's within reach. We've put several toys/books in her room as well. The toys are all "quiet" toys and we've been teaching her that it's ok to be awake and play quietly, but that she needs to stay in bed. This is also true of bedtime. She goes to bed at 8:30 but typically doesn't fall asleep until 9:15 or 9:30. Often when we go to bed, we sneak into her room, turn off the push light and collect the toys out of her bed.

Sometimes it's pretty bad and there are toys everywhere in her bed with this little girl wedged in an odd position between them.

Last night I asked Jeb to go up (I was on the phone with Dell tech support--don't ask) and remove the Little People from her bed. He came back down and I asked if there were toys everywhere to which he responded "Yep, I pulled a kangaroo out of her ass."

He didn't really pull it out of her ass, but she does often end up laying on some of the toys for short periods of time until we can dig them out from under her. For those of you completely lost, here's a pic of the Little People set she was playing with last night. Kangaroo

1 comment:

  1. My name is Alanna as well, and I never slept all that well either! I'm still a nightowl, and it takes me ages to fall asleep. Strange similarities!
