Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weeding the Pastas

Alanna and I spent about 5 hours outside today weeding.  This year has been bad so far for dandelions and they cropped up very quickly.  The worst areas are in the backyard in the rock (which is landscaping we'd like to have redone..especially since it's more weeds than landscape) and around the maple tree.  

We have a very beautiful mature maple in the back which has stonework around the base and hostas planted in the raised garden area.  I told Alanna today that we'd be focused on weeding the hostas.

She said multiple times today that we were "Weeding the Pastas".  All I could think about was dandelions growing up in between my spaghetti and macaroni.  Once in a while we found some peeking through the penne...