Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I remember!

I remember what it is I wanted to blog about today. Alanna is on a website for the rocking horse manufacturer that we ordered her custom horsie from.

Yee Haw!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Grey Duck

Alanna is learning how to play Duck Duck Grey Duck, much to Mommy's dismay. I believe that the only people in the world who play "Duck Duck Greay Duck" are Minnesotans and Wisconsinites. I grew up playing Duck Duck Goose.

I have gathered a lot of evidence as to the correctness of Goose over Grey Duck. There's a Hasbro Game , here's the formal description of the game , even a movie .

Up until recently, I'd vehemently denied any good reason to play Grey Duck over Goose. I mean really if you're going to discriminate you may as well just be blatant about it. For those who have no idea what I'm referring to, the primary difference between the variations is that in Grey Duck, the person walking around says different colors of ducks instead of saying Duck Duck Duck Duck Goose! they say things like Red Duck, Blue Duck, Green Duck, Grey Duck!!

Josh finally gave me a good reason. His logic is that you can psych the other kids out more with Grey Duck by stretching things out since the final word is always Duck, whereas in Goose you can pretty much tell when the person starts the word if you're going to have to jump up and give chase.

So, the other night Alanna was sitting on her bed with her nightlight on and we heard her saying "red duck, blue duck, green duck, french fry duck...." French fry duck? Hmm...that's a new one.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Where does it come from?

I'm going to have to have a discussion soon that I never thought I'd really have to have. I think in parenting there are a lot of those types of discussions that hit your radar just before they're going to happen.

Alanna knows that milk is somehow related to cows. She knows that eggs are somehow related to chickens. As far as the exact relationship, we haven't had to breach that YET. But, I'm feeling that the age of questioning is nearing.

This morning when I was making my sandwich, she wanted some. So I said bologna? And she said, Yes! So I gave her a piece which she promptly called, "pony". I corrected her and explained it was "bologna" not "pony". But then I got to thinking. Sooner or later I'm going to have to explain where meat comes from and the exact relationship on the milk and eggs thing.

This is the phase where you could really do some damage to your child. I remember thinking horseradish came from horses for the longest time and it really messed up my head......

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Exhausted after the bunny egg hunt.


Can't catch me!

I'm running!

I'm getting into the cupboard!

More silly Alanna.

Alanna was hamming it up for the camera the other night.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

That Mom

This past weekend Alanna and I went to two Easter Egg hunts and dyed eggs.

On Saturday morning, we went to an egg hunt at the city hall. Everyone lined up and waited to get inside. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but when we got inside after about 30 minutes of waiting in the cold (luckily the sun was shining so that helped) each child got to pick out 5 plastic eggs from a laundry basket. Then if they had yellow slips of paper they got regular prizes and if they had red slips of paper they got a big prize. The prizes were all donated by local merchants and were really nice. They had bikes, wagons, huge stuffed animals and such. Alanna got all yellow slips of paper and got a $5 bill, two Ty stuffed dogs..really cute ones, a little bouncy ball thingee, and this Big Whale Inflatable ride on toy that I think we'll give to her cousins since it's too big for her. She thought it was great fun and really likes her new "puppies".

Then Saturday evening I took her to an event at Brooklyn United Methodist. We brought a dessert to share. I made about 3 dozen different colored Jello eggs. That night I was "that Mom". I've always secretly wanted to be "that Mom". You know, the one who makes the best treats and always seems to have it together and is just envied by the other moms. The Jello eggs were an absolute HIT. They were the first treats gone and all the kids were excited about them and the moms wanted to know how I made them. It felt nice to finally be "that Mom", not that it will last, but at least it happened once.

Kinda makes up for Alanna breaking my heart the other night with "Go AWAY, Mommy!!!" Ah, the independence has begun.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Stretched Pennies

I was reading something somewhere...I think it may have been Reader's Digest, about how those stretched pennies you can get in machines at different tourist attractions make great collectibles for children. We took Alanna to the Children's Museum on Saturday and they had one of those machines there. For $.51 you can get a penny stretched out and stamped with the logo of your choices and the words "Minnesota Children's Museum".

I got her one with a dragon breathing fire because they have a really neat Castle activity display there right now that she just loves. Then I put it into her little dragon trinket box on her dresser. I agree with the article, these will make nice, inexpensive, fun, space conservative collectibles.

So, if you're somewhere with a $.51 penny stretching machine and feel like getting one for Alanna, I'm sure she'd love it. She's just infatuated with coins and the designs on them :)

Monday, March 07, 2005

Belly Jeans

Someone has introduced my daughter to jelly beans. I know this because I went to Target this weekend to get some Easter basket goodies. When I came home, before I could shuffle the bags and tuck away all of the goodies, Alanna had already dug in and pulled out a bag of jelly beans. She held them up to me triumphantly and exclaimed, "Belly Jeans!!!". Now, I know she's never had jelly beans in our house, so that leaves several potential suspects:
Grandma Jackie


I must admit, "belly jeans" was hysterical and really really cute. She is now just calling them "beans", but she's pretty possessive of them. We had to put some in a little bowl because she refused to let anyone near the large bowl of them. I have all of the other treats tucked away so the Easter Bunny can fill some plastic eggs and hide them in a couple weeks.

A disturbing thought just ran through my head. Thank goodness she's two and saying "belly jeans" in reference to candy and not 16 and saying it as something that she plans on wearing out of the house!