Thursday, June 23, 2005


There's a ToysRUs near us that's going out of business. Being the sale savvy mommy that I am, I immediately decided to take a shopping trip. While there, we saw roller skates for Alanna. These are like the ones I had as a kid (except mine were metal) where you adjust them and fit them over the top of your tennis shoes. These are plastic pink with Disney Princesses on them and came with Princess elbow and knee pads for the slick price of $9. So, I got them and planned on tucking them away for next summer figuring a 2 and a half year old was not big enough for roller skates.

Alanna wouldn't have it. She'd seen them, so therefore they were something she HAD to try. So, after much hmming and hahing about it, I told her yesterday morning that after work when we came home that Mommy would help her roller skate. I completely expected one of two things to happen:
1) She'd forget about it.
2) She'd try it and not be able to do it and decide she didn't want them any more.

Promptly upon walking in the door at daycare, she ran up to me, gave me a huge hug and grinned while saying "Roller Skates!!" #1 was out of the picture.

True to my word, after dinner I suited her up and took her outside to the top section of our driveway. I was amazed. She did GREAT! She walks around in them rather than really skating, but she only fell on her bottom twice and both times got right back up to try it again. And she didn't want Mommy to hold her hand. Wow, I can't believe how fast she's growing up!

When did my baby become a toddler and my toddler a little girl?

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