Friday, September 21, 2007

Food Preferences

On the way home from daycare while discussing what we would eat for dinner the following occurred.
M: I think we'll have fish fillets for dinner.
A: It doesn't have EYES does it?
M: No, it's like chicken nuggets just with fish
A: Oh good. Because I won't eat anything with EYES!

So this of course begged the question, when did I ever fixed anything with eyes on it? Turns out Daddy had told her about sardines....yep Daddy's fault again ;)

Once dinner was made, Alanna sat down and looked at her plate and declared:
A: Oh good! I'm glad my dinner is this because I only eat food that is the colors of the rainbow!
M: Oh? And what colors are on your plate?
A: Green Green Beans and Brown Fish

Not quite sure when 'brown' made it into the rainbow, but I was relieved. I was either going to argue for the fish fillets being more of a yellow or explain that the rainbow is really all colors we just only see certain shades.


  1. I haven't looked in here for a while I guess. I love your Alanna stories! It almost makes me think having a kid would be fun. Perhaps I can borrow her for a while and when she isn't telling me funny stories anymore, give her back?

  2. Or you could come visit heheh. We'd keep you and Alanna could tell you all the house 'rules'...posting about those next :)
