Monday, April 07, 2008

I Don't Wanna Grow Up Part 2

Late last week we had a follow up "I don't want to be a grown up" meltdown. This one happened in the morning while we were trying to do the morning routine. After reassuring Alanna that she didn't have to be a grown up for a very long time and that she would indeed be younger than daddy forever, I asked her again why it was that she didn't want to be a grown up.

Her response? "Because I don't want to work!" This struck me as odd because up until very recently on a near daily basis she has declared exactly what she wants to be when she grows up. Some days it's an astronaut, others a teacher, veterinarian, cashier at Target, and sometimes all four.

We continued with the morning flurry to get out the door and in the car on the way to daycare we had the following conversation:
A: Mommy, I guess I can be a grown up after all.
M: Oh?
A: Yes, I'm just going to be a princess. They don't have to work very hard!

So that's what I did wrong when I was making a career choice. I should have aspired to be a princess!!

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