Friday, September 30, 2005

Kof Kof

She's too smart for her own good.....

Yesterday, we didn't have daycare, so I stayed home with Alanna for the day. Got in her 3 year doctor's appointment and all looks good. The kid has eyes like a hawk though and in the process of getting her ready for the doctor's, I was pulling out some barrettes which happened to be in a little travel thing with some additional items, one of which was a Triaminic Grape Cough Strip. She spotted it and immediately wanted it. I explained, "No, honey, those are for when you're sick, they help you feel better; they're not candy."

Fast forward to this morning. I set her on the potty and started to fix her hair. Here's what ensued:

Alanna: "I hurt"
Mommy: "Where do you hurt, honey? Show me."
A: "I sick"
M: "You don't feel good?"
A: "Yes, I sick." Accompanied by a frownie face.
M: Feeling her forehead, " don't feel warm."
A: "I sick. I need grape." She looks to the drawer where she saw the grape strip yesterday.
M: "Honey, those are only for when you're really sick. I don't think you're really sick."
A: "I sick." Pouting face.
M: Getting the grape strip out and reading it. "Hmm..well this says you only need it if you're coughing, are you coughing?" More a rhetorical question than anything.
A: "Yes, *kof kof*" Most pathetic little fake cough ever.
M: Struggling not to laugh. "Hmm..well that didn't sound like a real cough to me. It also says it's for runny noses and you haven't needed a kleenex at all today."
A: "I sick." Accompanied now by lots of forced sniffles.
M: "Honey, medicine is only for when you're really sick. Taking it when you're not sick can make you feel yucky." Alright, then Mommy was naughty and caved in (bad mommy) and broke of a teensy weensy sliver of the strip and gave it to her. She ate it happily.
Daddy: "Do you feel better?"
A: With a huge smile "Yes!"

Hoh boy. So now I need to lay the hammer down if it happens again. It's that uncomfortable position of not wanting to second guess her symptoms if she really is sick, but also not wanting her to keep using ploys to get her way.

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