Monday, September 12, 2005

What I Say You Say

We've entered into the major 'parrotting' phase with Alanna. She'd go through little moments of repeating us before, but not for long phrases or sentences. Well, I can officially say we're past that.

Luckily, we've cleaned up our language in front of her considerably, so that hopefully she won't pick up anything *naughty* from home anyway. However, mommy did a boo boo this weekend.
We were heading to the grocery store on our mommy/daughter grocery trip and I went to turn to go up the next aisle and the car to my right blew her stop sign and shot me a dirty look. Talking to no one other than to myself and the closed windows in the car, I growled, "Look lady, you've got a stop sign!". To which I then heard this little bitty voice in the back say, "lady you have stop sign!" Oooops!

Now the other incarnation is that in a sick and twisted parental amusement sort of way, it's kinda fun to have her say things just for amusement sake because it comes out so darn cute.

An example of this happened last night. As mentioned in a previous post, Miss Alanna is a bit obsessed with the concept of money and we're trying (or Mommy at least is) to teach her that it doesn't grow on trees etc. So, Daddy was playing with her last night with her play cash register and fake groceries, ringing things up and paying for them. Alanna was all excited to show him the money in the cash register drawer (the little yellow coins actually from the Yahtzee game is what they were using). Next thing I hear from across the room is this little bitty voice saying gleefully, "I'm a Capitalist!!!" DADDY!!!!!!!

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