Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Daddy Magic

Like many daddies, my husband revels in performing 'Daddy magic' for Alanna. This behavior can also be witnessed in grandfathers. It normally amounts to him pulling something from out behind her ear--a quarter, a crayon, etc.

Yesterday, Jeb took Alanna to the park in the wagon. Once they got there and she'd run around for a few minutes, she came up to him and exclaimed, 'Daddy, I need to go potty!'

There isn't a port-a-potty or a restroom facility at the park, so Jeb explained, 'Ok, honey get in the wagon and we'll go home to use the potty.'

She didn't like that answer. Likely she was concerned that if she went home she wouldn't get to come back to the park, so she looked up and asked hopefully, "You have a pull-up?"

Jeb explained that he didn't bring a pull-up because she's a big girl and uses the potty, so they'd need to go home to do so. She tried one last ditch effort, convinced it would work, "Can you look behind my ear for one?"

Ah, if only it were that simple.

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