Monday, March 17, 2008

Rewriting the Bible

Periodically we read to Alanna from her Bible stories book. Recently we had read the story of the burning bush Exodus 3:1-15 where God speaks to Moses.

About a week later we were driving home from daycare and this conversation followed:
A: It will be Spring soon won't it?
M: Yes, honey.
A: And then the snow will melt.
M: Yes.
A: And then God will put a talking bush in our front yard.
M: Um. Maybe. But talking bushes are very rare and I don't think he'll probably put one in our front yard.
A: How did the bush talk? Bushes don't have mouths.
M: No, bushes don't have mouths. God wanted to give a message to Moses so his voice came from the bush.
A: I think Jesus was just hiding behind it.

And thus ended the conversation. Have to give her props for the logic at least even if the timeline is a little off. She had deduced that because a bush doesn't have a mouth the voice had to come from somewhere and since Jesus is God's messenger on Earth, he must have been hiding behind the bush.

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