Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wisdom from a 5 Year Old

Yesterday morning Alanna overheard me talking to Jeb about an incident at work and she asked what we were talking about. I told her that Mommy works with someone who sometimes isn't very nice.

This is how the conversation continued:
A: I think you should just say nice things to her during the day like, "How are you feeling today?" and then she'll start to be nicer.

M: Honey, that's a very good idea. Mommy does try to be nice and will continue to keep that in mind.

A: And you should tell her we're all a part of a community and need to work together. (They're learning about communities at school.)

M: That's true.

A: (carrying "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein) And you can loan her my book for her to read.

Oh if only things were that easy. I'm pleased she's a kind, caring little girl and in a perfect world her strategy would work well. In my world at work though, I'm pretty sure the woman would rip me to shreads if I tried it ;)

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