Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Duct Taped Diapers

The ingenuity of sleep deprived parents will probably never cease to amaze me.

Last week when we got to daycare on Monday, we knew we were in for a heck of a week upon seeing the other 2.5 year old with boogers running out of his nose. Ut oh..the infamous summer cold had arrived. Sure enough, Alanna came home Tuesday with a runny nose and a grumpy attitude due to not feeling well, which meant she, Mommy and Daddy didn't sleep well. Off to daycare we went again Wednesday with her little stash of medicines that really don't work anyway. Weds night we were greeted by the booger princess and her sleepy, grumpy attitude when we picked her up.

I should explain. Alanna is blessed to have the best of both her Mommy and Daddy in how she reacts to being sick. When Mommy is sick, she wants to be left alone..period. Don't touch me, don't come near me, here's money go away and leave me alone to medicate and sleep. When Daddy is sick, the opposite is true. Daddy gets very needy, pouty, and whiney. He is much more of a fix it, make it better, get me soup pllleeeeease kind of sick. So, mix those two combinations. Having trouble with it? Here, imagine this: Mommy, I want mommy, big hug, need water, no want juice, no no no no!!! There you have it. Fun fun fun.

So anyway, back to Wednesday night. We caved in and let her fall asleep in our bed. This is a very rare occurrence. I woke up about 1am and she was sound asleep, so I went to move her back to her own bed (part of our routine if she sleeps with us so that she doesn't get used to it and want it all the time). I got her back into her bed and went to change her diaper. Threw it away and reached for a new one when I heard a crash in the other room. I rushed out to see what it was and Dippy was on top of the piano attempting to kill a fly and had knocked over a picture frame. I rehung the frame, scolded Dippy, killed the fly and returned to Alanna's room with a diaper in hand in record time. She'd wet the bed.

So, off came the sheets, the child was now awake and very upset. I called to Jeb to get me a warm washcloth to clean up said child and after he was done went to put a new diaper on. I should mention that this new diaper came from a new package. I'd never heard of 'defective diapers' before, but apparently we got a whole package full. The left tab wouldn't stick!! So, whilst I'm racking my brain and trying to convince her that she wants to wear a pullup--with no success I might add, my ingenious sleep-deprived husband rushes back into the room and DUCT TAPES the diaper onto her.

I think the lady at Pampers was laughing so hard she was crying by the time I told her the story and she agreed to send me coupons for new diapers. Which to their credit said coupons arrived yesterday in the mail and the latest package is not defective....

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